Lili Gangas is helping change the tech space - Latinx Heritage Month 

Image: New America

In celebration of Latinx Heritage month, the Dynamics Solutions team would like to give the spotlight to Lili Gangas. Lili is a Chief Technology Community Officer at the Kapor Center for Social Impact, an organization working towards bridging the gap between racial injustice and technology to “fostering inclusive tech ecosystems.” (Kapor Center for Social Impact)

As a proud immigrant from Bolivia, Lili believed in creating an inclusive environment in the tech space. Growing up she was always passionate in developing opportunities and ultimately creating pathways for underrepresented communities in tech. Lili describes the various challenges her family had to overcome. However, she was constantly empowered to continue her dreams despite these challenges. 

Lili’s goal for the future is to continue to work towards closing the social and economic gap for communities of color across the “tech ecosystem.” (Welcome - 7 Latinx Leader Who Are Making the Tech Industry Better)

Due to her amazing accomplishments, we want to celebrate Lili on her amazing achievements.

Please visit the Kapor Center for Social Injustice at Who We Are - Kapor Center to learn more about their organization.



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