Can ‘AI Agents’ replace white-collar workers?

Image Credit: OracleCMS/Admin@OracleCMS

A couple months back, we came across a report conducted by McKinsey that explored AI’s impact on low-wage workers in the food, and customer service industries. According to the Economic potential of generative AI, they expect both industries to be cut by AI in 2030. Now in a recent article published by New York Times, Cade Metz and Karen Weise go in depth on ways in which a new system called ‘AI Agents’ can potentially replace several white-collar jobs. How? A group of AI researchers at Nvidia, a company of engineers that are committed to helping companies create their own AI factories, (About us: Nvidia) taught chatbot to play Minecraft. According to these AI researchers, this is a step towards exploring the many different and unexplored skills an AI Agent can do. How were they able to accomplish this? IA researchers at Nvidia transformed the chatbot into a new system called, “AI Agents,” (Cade Metz and Karen Weise). What’s different about AI Agent than ChatGPT? AI Agents are able to do more than chat. They are able to assist with software apps, websites, spreadsheets, etc. (Cade Metz and Karen Weise).

The goal of AI Agent is to replace office workers and eventually all white-collar jobs. This is a great opportunity to society, however this can be harmful as well. Although the ‘AI Agent’ system is still a ‘work in progress,’ and can create many new opportunities for generations to come, it can cause worry for many white-collar workers. As ‘AI Agent’ continues to grow, what are some negative and also positive effects this can bring to our society?



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