Latest Green Technology in 2023

Image Credit: Elettrotec

In a BDO Global article we reviewed on green technology cited that by 2024, an estimated 33% of the world’s electricity will run on renewable sources. This can decrease production costs, and most importantly address the growing challenges surrounding the climate crisis. The IEA’S Clean Energy tracker assesses the global progress against Net Zero by 2050. According to this IEA report, in 2022 the economy grew by twice the level in comparison to the previous year due to increased demand and sales for green technology (IEA) such as electric vehicles. 

Although this is a major step towards the right direction, the transition to green technology is occurring at different speeds across the world due to many countries/individuals facing social, and economic challenges. For example, countries/individuals living above the poverty line can benefit from solar cells and electric cars, while those living below the poverty line do not have the financial means to shift towards green technology.

Over the past several years, many organizations are pushing for stronger policy support and investment that are required for many countries/individuals to shift towards clean energy. By doing so, they hope to meet the goal of net zero emissions by 2050. 

In your opinion, what are several negative, and positive effects low income families and/or developing countries may face transitioning to green technology?


Rapid progress of key clean energy technologies shows the new energy economy is emerging faster than many think - News - IEA

Tracking Clean Energy Progress 2023 – Analysis - IEA

The green economy transition: the challenges of technological change for sustainability

Image Credit:  Towards a Green Technology - Elettrotec


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